Had a great Day Sunday met up with some new and some old faces from the Photography forum, a very pleasant day warm and in excellent company a few images in the gallery below as…
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Ladybower sunset and moonrise on a late midweek evening
It was to nice a day and evening to waste it all just at work so I took a leaf out of book of my friends the Steves and went up them there hills, along…

Focus stacking using android tablet and DSLR Controller app
I have had a wee play with my Nexus tablet canon 40D and DSLR Controller App and then using Helicon focus and also CombineZP to create focus stacked images. Basically you set subject and camera…

The Scottish Adventure May 2014
Had a great time in Scotland with Chaz, Steve, and Rachy. Lots of driving but a great meet up with really good friends and excellent company. Steve and Rachy drove up from Hereford to Chesterfield…

Flora & Fauna a pleasant wind down after a day in the office
Now that we are having lighter eveningsĀ it is nice to have an hour walking around the lakes and ponds at Hardwick Hall helps to justify the National Trust membership (free parking) and is nice…

G.A.S attack and a sunny day
Photography forums can be damaging to your wallet G.A.S. = Gear Acquisition Syndrome After my recent Gear Acquisition Issue last Friday the results of which arrived this morning http://www.photography-forum.org/sho…ts-the-results and as the weather was warm…

Using a Nexus 7 with Canon cameras (backups on the move)
I have been messing around for a little while now connecting my Nexus 7 and various Canon cameras and other devices together, I tried connecting cameras, hard drives and memory cards to various apps free…

Hardwick hall 3 image pano using 22mm pancake lens on EOS-M plus 100% crop
Managed a few quick panos while at Hardwick was interested to see what distortion I had to contend with…………not a lot really quite nice images exported as DNG from LR5.4 then stitched in CS4 (cant…

Nexus 7 with DSLR Controller App
I found this Android App today DSLR Contoller https://play.google.com/store/apps/d…dslrcontroller it enables you to connect certain Canon cameras and get various levels of control over them…….as most of my gear is getting on then I was…

A User Review Canon EOS-M Compact System Camera
I am primarily a Canon system user I have a 5D and a 40D and also an S70 compact with a range of lenses a Tamron 11-18 and the rest Canon gear a 60mm EFs…