I recently acquired a Nexus 7 Android tablet and all was fine for the first week then I started randomly having issues with every time I woke the screen up it would immediately switch off…
Tag: OK

Before you get up at silly o’clock and drive 99.7 miles to a location……
Before you do you should check all your checklist, I decided late last night to shoot across to Flamborough Head and Selwick Bay to get a sunrise and try out my 17-40L lens. I checked…

Web site theme switcher
Hope this works OK it does for me switches between my WordPress desktop and mobile/alternative theme quite easily. If you go to the menu you can force the change from mobile to desktop it should…

Added Facebook auto link
Just a quick test to see if this connection from my website to facebook works OK if this is on facebook then obviously it works 🙂 Delete key seems appropriate If this fails …

Well I just couldnt help myself
Been on ebay and saw a Bronica ETRS body cheap average condition but fully working so went and bought it some of the leather is coming of I am going to have a go at…

Downloading originals from my flickr account
Well I was stuffed I went all over my flickr account looking for some way to download my images in bulk but could find nothing and it was a real faff clicking through one at…

Fottga Lumox 520 wireless trigger
Review written 3rd April 2012 I was approached by Fottga to review a new product a Wireless remote trigger the Lumox 520 consisting of a wireless transmitter and receiver which can either remotely trigger a…