I was driven to have a bash at a sunset something I havent done for a long while and below is what I ended up with (click the image for larger version) I went the…

Downloading originals from my flickr account
Well I was stuffed I went all over my flickr account looking for some way to download my images in bulk but could find nothing and it was a real faff clicking through one at…

Bronica ETR-C Missing frames and light leaks
I have been playing with my recently acquired Bronica ETRC and also a “New” 50mm lens from Ffordes Photographic in Scotland
I have had 2 films back from developing today and a previous film had much of the film blank (all the second half) and the one from the Bronica that came today had blank frames as well
Image below of second test film showing missing frames and light leaks

Rucksack Naneu K3L review
I have just bought one of these from Warehouse Express for the princely sum of £59.00 plus delivery. I was a little unsure as to how it would be but was pleasantly surprised at the…