The latter half of 2016 didnt see me out and about much but I did manage to get a few images.
Tag: Derwent Edge
A selection of images from early 2016
Early 2016 a selection.
And a few images more a random selection from the autumn
Just a few images from theĀ latter part of the year.
There is Snow on them there hills
And very pretty it is to, had a stroll up onto Derwent edge on a lovely cool and sunny day had a nice stroll and got a few images.
Just Sharing a walk around Derwent Edge
I took a bit of time for me and went for a walk around Ladybower going up onto Derwent edge and this post has a few camera snaps to show the lay of the land…
Ladybower sunset and moonrise on a late midweek evening
It was to nice a day and evening to waste it all just at work so I took a leaf out of book of my friends the Steves and went up them there hills, along…