Here are a few different image editors some free some not free there are many others Image Editors Photoshop by Adobe The most expensive and an industry standard the top editing program with loads of…
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Understanding exposure in one picture
Understanding exposure is fundamental to photography I have below a diagram hopefully useful in making it easier to understand. The values in the diagram are relative and different cameras have different ranges but the same…

Top tips for SNOW photography
Firstly make sure your wrapped up Exposure Compensation set the EC at +1/2 to up to +2 stops as the onboard camera metering will attempt to expose as mid grey. Histogram and Highlight alert…

What do all the numbers mean on the front of my lens
On the front of most lenses is text and numbers these describe the features and capabilities of the particular lens. In the picture below the generic information found on most lenses has been highlighted. The…

Rucksack Naneu K3L review
I have just bought one of these from Warehouse Express for the princely sum of £59.00 plus delivery. I was a little unsure as to how it would be but was pleasantly surprised at the…

Photographic Filters Why What and how
UV Filter Useful at high altitude to reduce the effect of the more intense UV light also used as a protective element when fitted to the lens to prevent damage to the front of the…