I recently acquired a Nexus 7 Android tablet and all was fine for the first week then I started randomly having issues with every time I woke the screen up it would immediately switch off…
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A bit of a misty morning
Mothers day and also the changing of the clocks for summer time losing an hour, managed from Fairholmes in the Derwent valley onto the top to Alport castles then down the other side to the…

DIY quick change filter holder for EOS-M
Here it is a quick change filter holder using a cheap lens hood a piece of 5mm thick black foamex and a little black electrical tape and a piece of welding glass for a big…

A windy Tissington Trail
The day started sunny but soon clouded over and I “enjoyed ” a constant strong wind all day this wind which began on Friday afternoon as I finished work for the weekend and now Sunday…

Around the Derwent valley on a Sunny Sunday Morning
Makes a pleasant change to have a sunny morning no cloud and a heavy haze had an enjoyable couple of hours cycling round and capturing a few images in the process.

First Sunset with the EOS-M
I was just coming home from work tonight and had the camera with me so pulled over and managed to grab the sun going down I shot a couple of stills and a wee video…

Bike riding and my new EOS-M’s first outing
In 1981 Norman Tebbit made a comment about how his father got on his bike in the 30’s ………well I have got back on my bike after a 4 year interlude and I must say…

New toy arrived ….EOS-M Mirrorless and no viewfinder
I was looking for a replacement for my very aged now S70 canon compact and happened to get an as new EOS-M mirrorless compact system camera with a flash and lens adaptor so I can…

The Ashbourne Tunnel
Happened by the Ashbourne tunnel at the end of the Tissington Trail in Derbyshire recently so captured a few frames while I was there.

National Cold War Exhibition (RAF Cosford Revisited)
Now I have LR5 I revisited a couple of images of the wonderful building that houses the National Cold War Exhibition http://www.nationalcoldwarexhibition.org/ The building tells the story and shows the tech that was the cold…