Photography forums can be damaging to your wallet G.A.S. = Gear Acquisition Syndrome After my recent Gear Acquisition Issue last Friday the results of which arrived this morning…ts-the-results and as the weather was warm…
Tag: EOS-M

Hardwick hall 3 image pano using 22mm pancake lens on EOS-M plus 100% crop
Managed a few quick panos while at Hardwick was interested to see what distortion I had to contend with…………not a lot really quite nice images exported as DNG from LR5.4 then stitched in CS4 (cant…

A User Review Canon EOS-M Compact System Camera
I am primarily a Canon system user I have a 5D and a 40D and also an S70 compact with a range of lenses a Tamron 11-18 and the rest Canon gear a 60mm EFs…

DIY quick change filter holder for EOS-M
Here it is a quick change filter holder using a cheap lens hood a piece of 5mm thick black foamex and a little black electrical tape and a piece of welding glass for a big…

First Sunset with the EOS-M
I was just coming home from work tonight and had the camera with me so pulled over and managed to grab the sun going down I shot a couple of stills and a wee video…

Bike riding and my new EOS-M’s first outing
In 1981 Norman Tebbit made a comment about how his father got on his bike in the 30’s ………well I have got back on my bike after a 4 year interlude and I must say…

New toy arrived ….EOS-M Mirrorless and no viewfinder
I was looking for a replacement for my very aged now S70 canon compact and happened to get an as new EOS-M mirrorless compact system camera with a flash and lens adaptor so I can…